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History Of Pink Himalayan Natural Salt


Himalayan Pink Salt Origin & History

Himalaya has a rich history of pink salt. Salt, in general, has been used for centuries for medical purposes. However, the evidence points out that the ancient people used pink Himalayan salt as food preservatives. It is available for baking, therapeutic and cosmetic uses. This magnificent and usable salt is a beautifully prepared crystal which has an extensive colour range from pink to orange. Himalayan pink salt obtains from ancient sea salt deposits, and people believe that it is the most widely available salt.

Origin of Himalayan Pink Salt

These magnificent pink salt crystals come from the vast salt region of the Himalayas, an area that geologists believe could be 800 million years old.

Himalayan salt crystals originate from the Khewra Salt Mine locates in the north of Pind Dadan Khan, a region of Punjab, Pakistan. It is the oldest coal mine in the world (and remains the second largest). It is world famous and attracts 250,000 tourists each year, who come to discover large bricks of this unique pink salt.

History of Himalayan Pink Salt

Alexander the Great’s horse Discover it. Geologists believe that a great chain of salt created when tectonic plate movements created a mountain range caught by a shallow inland sea, which was slowly dehydrated and buried under the depth of the earth, forming deposits of thick sea salt and rich in minerals. For millions of years, human species and animals have not developed around the salt chain.

Formation of Tunnel in the Salt Range

In 1849, a British mining engineer named Dr Warth design and construct the first tunnel in the salt mine to improve the salt deposits and collection of the salt. Its mining method requires “columns and rooms” – which is still in use – 50% salt treated, and the remaining 50% had structural support.

Now there is a tunnel of about 730 meters in the mountains and about 43 square miles in the underground mines! According to estimation, the amount of salt remaining in this area is still between 80 and 600 million tonnes.

Extraction, Collection & Packing of Himalayan Salt Crystals

Khewra mine has 6.7 billion tons of Salt, of which about 220 million are currently accessible. 

Skilled workers extract salt using traditional methods. Hence there is little or no pollution or manufacturing waste products.

The pure form of the pink salt of the Himalayas is preferably transparent and colourless in crystalline form. The disclosure provides a refinement process that recognises and eliminates solid impurities that identify the purest form of pink salt in the Himalayas.

Himalayans used yaks to carry salt along the mountains, the cliffs and the rock paths to exchange this valuable commodity.


Today, Himalayan salt extracted from the salt mines of Pakistan, which located close to the Himalayas hills. It removed from mines manually. Mining in this area is strictly controlled to preserve the purity of this product. These mines are enormous, extending to almost a kilometre in the mountains with nearly 25 tunnels and 11 levels.

This salt in the Himalayas often calls “white gold”.

The pink and white crystals of Himalayan salt are similar to diamonds that witness their natural purity. This universal salt contains more than 84 trace minerals, including all considered essential for health and vitality. Unlike most “food grade” salts, if you buy this from “A Salt Lamp company”, you will get salt that doesn’t contain preservatives or additives.

The unique salt crystals enhance the natural taste of food and have no commercial salt or bitter taste or typical aftertaste. The simple methods of extraction and packaging associated with “A Salt Lamp Company” carefully protect the natural purity of this product.

Early Use of Himalayan Pink  Salt in Human Life

The first indigenous inhabitants of the Himalayan region used pink salt in the form of preservatives for fish and other food products that were rapidly deteriorating. About therapeutic use, salt is mentioned in some of the oldest medical texts, by the peoples of ancient Egypt and Greece, but it is not peculiar to the Himalayan pink salt. It has often mentioned in the treatment of injuries and digestion.

Health Claims of Eating Himalayan Pink Salt

Salt, in all its forms, is essential for health. The pink salt minerals offer unique properties. These include calcium, copper, iron, magnesium and potassium.

Doctors recommend that humans should consume 2,300 milligrams of salt per day in their diet. The insertion of the right amount of salt is associated with cellular health, the health of the nervous system, proper digestion and toxic substances.

Why Himalayan Pink Salt is Better Than Ordinary Salt

Himalayan Pink Sea salt, manufactured by A Salt Lamp, is rich in minerals which have not troubled salt deposits for millions of years. Because this salt comes from an ancient salt deposit, it is not exposed to toxic pollution of air and water and is one of the purest salts in the world. On the other hand, many other sea salts are extracted from the layers of salt by our oceans, unfortunately, very polluted. Also, the ordinary salts go from different processes of chemical addition; manufacturers added additives and supplements like iodine, which make them less beneficial and more harmful.

Himalayan Salt Use in the kitchen

Pink salt uses in the same way as table salt in the kitchen. However, the mineral content of pink Himalayan salt is higher than that of traditional table salt. Chefs considered it as a real cooking salt. It also adds an attractive pink colour and texture to foods that can add something special to your art. This salt is an excellent ingredient in spicy foods, cooking, roasting and seasoning.

Medical Uses of Himalayan pink salt

Many believe that pink salt in the Himalayas is beneficial in the following ways:

·        Control the water levels in the body

·        Increased libido

·        Reduce sinus infections and sinus problems

·        Increased bone strength

·        Reduce wrinkles

·        Reduce cramps

·        Help to sleep better and relax

Bilal Iftikhar

Published by
Bilal Iftikhar

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