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Benefits Of Himalayan Salt Lamp


The benefits of pink Himalayan salt lamps range from air purification to cancer prevention because of its hygroscopic property, and also these are a popular type of negative ion generators.


Salt lamps are eye-catching by their pinkish-orange colour and natural crystalline shape but do they also proved beneficial for your health? Or is it just quackery?

Let’s see the nitty-gritty and scientific facts about these lamps to discover the benefits of salt lamps so you can decide if you must buy this gadget or not!



Scientific Research about Benefits of Salt Lamps

At the start of the twenty-first era, it is hard to imagine life without a lot of electronic products, which makes it easier for us to work in the office and at home. However, we do not know that they also constitute a very harmful source of positive ions, the so-called electrical SMOG.


These positive electric ions can degrade the quality of air and harm our physical and emotional state.


The sources of harmful cations are:

o   Computer screen

o   TV

o   Electric heating

o   Dryer

o   Vacuum cleaners

o   Microwave oven

o   Tobacco smoke


Scientific tests have shown that the ratio of negative ions to positive ions should be between 1.02 and 0.98.

In a closed room, a small number of people work at the same time, and the number of negative ions can drop to 200/cm3. You can experience the positive effects of negative ions when visiting salt mines, at the seaside or walking immediately after a storm. We can then imagine how vital it is to diminish the harmful effects of electrical fumes on the premises where we work.


The cheapest and easiest way to prevent electrical smoke is to use regular tubes for air purification, especially those where few people meet, have multiple engines, or smoke. You can also practice air ventilators, but these are quite expensive, not even the natural way to purify the air. Therefore, we offer Himalayan salt crystal lamps, natural ionizers that effectively increase the number of negative ions in the air.

The ionizing effect of salts on air comes from the physical and chemical properties of salts discovered many years ago. As a result, Himalayan salt lamps have improved our environmental quality and thus improved our health.


Benefits of Salt Lamps According to Therapists and Doctors

The crystalline salts of Himalayas help heal many diseases. Bioenergy therapists and homoeopathic doctors in Western Europe have long advocated the use of Himalayan crystal salt lamps to support the treatment of allergies, diseases of the respiratory and blood system, increase levels of serotonin in the brain, and rheumatism.


Because of their colour, they also used in chromotherapy. Their soothing light helps people with neurosis and insomnia. The crystal salt lamp of the Himalayas is, therefore, a product worthy of all families.

These negative ions can also offset the electromagnetic radiation of household electronic devices and even prevent static electricity from accumulating.


Working of Salt Lamps 

We know that the body needs salt to restore moisture, electrolyte balance, proper regulation of blood pressure and the nervous system. But all these benefits come from the internal consumption of salt.


Most of us do not eat our salt lamps, so the benefits come from the other characteristics of salt. Salt is naturally hygroscopic, which shows that it attracts water fragments. The theory is that salt lamps attract water molecules into the air.


Since the water in the air may also contain allergens, contaminants and even bacteria, the lamp also attracted these substances. The salt lamp heat is said to dry the water vapour and cause the particles to adhere to the salt. For this reason, many sources recommend cleaning the salt lamp several times a week with a cloth to clean it.

Benefits of Salt Lamps for all

Salt lamps can illuminate the environment, but they not only purchased for modest lighting. There are many claims that Himalayan salt lamps can not only bring you beautiful light. The benefits of Himalayan salt lamps are expected to include reduced air pollution, electromagnetic pollution from negative ions and electronic equipment.

Salt lamps provide benefits to all in the way that there are no harmful effects of it in any way. It is hygroscopic and formulates those ions which are beneficial for all of us. The only thing we have to consider is the time for which it is to keep on!

Placing Himalayan salt lamps in each room of the home to enjoy some health and environmental benefits. Among other things, they can:

1. Purify the Air

Of all the possible benefits of salt lamps in the Himalayas, air purification is often the goal of most buyers. There is no doubt that the air quality in your home affects your health.

Rendering to the research published by the American Horticultural Society, ozone is a significant component of air pollution or smoke. It is usually associated with outdoor air, but can also enter in indoor living spaces such as homes or offices.

Salt lamps in the Himalayas easily attract water vapour because of their saltiness. This water vapour usually produces pollutants in the indoor air, including allergens, moulds and bacteria.

By removing contaminants from the air, salt lamps give you a cleaner, healthier environment.


2. Improve General Breathing

The cilia are mature hairs that line the tracheal arteries and act as a microscopic respiratory filter. According to the study, positive ions reduce cilia activity, and conversely, negative ions have better increase and positive effects. Himalayan salt lamps are believed to improve breathing by releasing negative ions that filter foreign particles and keeping the lungs clean.


3. Used as Lamp of Nightlight and low light

Studies have shown that light of different colours affects the body in different ways. Many doctors recommend avoiding blue light after sunset because it disrupts circadian rhythms and disrupts sleep hormones.

Unfortunately, many current light sources, such as cell phones, tablets, computers and TVs, release a lot of bright blue light, and many of us spend most of our time watching these screens, especially at night.

On the other hand, the salt lamp provides a warm orange glow, similar to the orange hue found under bonfire or candlelight. For this reason, they are an excellent source of light at night, and can even use as a night lamp without hurting sleep.

4. Chromotherapy from Salt Lamp

These soothing lights can also help improve mood and energy levels, especially for people with seasonal affective disorder (SAD). Soft orange tones are one of the soothing colours that are often used to calm emotions and increase concentration. A small amount of negative ions also helps to improve mood. But if you are looking for the benefits of negative ions, spend some time outdoors!


5. Reduce Electromagnetic Radiation and Airborne Diseases

Electromagnetic radiation can have serious long-term effects. Continuous exposure to electromagnetic radiation is primarily intended to cause fatigue, increase stress and weaken the immune system.


More than 2,000 studies have exposed the toxic effects of electromagnetic fields from all sources. Scientists have come to a shocking conclusion that: “Long-term exposure to even low radiation levels (such as radiation in mobile phones) can cause various cancers, impair immunity, and cause disease. Alzheimer’s and dementia, heart disease and many other diseases”

Bilal Iftikhar

Published by
Bilal Iftikhar

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